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Visiting Volcanoes National Park of Rwanda

Visiting Volcanoes National Park of Rwanda

Have you ever heard about Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda? Have you ever heard about Dian Fossey? Volcanoes National Park is one of the few renowned homes to the endangered mountain gorillas. It is the park that is featured in movies like the “Gorillas in the Mist, and it is part of the larger Virunga region premiered in the 2014…

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Africa’s Mountain Gorilla Population Booms

Mountain gorillas have to thank the efforts of Gorilla Doctors and other organizations in restoring hope for these world’s endangered species. Unless you’re a bit of a statistics enthusiast, census figures are probably not of great interest to you. But here are three simple numbers that are worth your attention. The Aiken Standard, a daily newspaper published in Aiken, South…

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Climate and Energy Conference in Kigali

Call for participation in the Climate and Energy conference in Kigali. It is an ambitious, global citizen deliberation feeding into United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of Parties (COP) 21 under World Wide Views -WWViews project. It is a global citizen deliberation exercise, integrating citizen consultations in all participating countries on the same day across the world…

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